Lets Talk Dirty.


It may sound Corny, Stupid even. It It is probably contrary to ones polite and respectful upbringing and it might make one feel self conscious. But don't let that stop you. The only thing worse than Dirty Talk & Noisy sex is silent sex. Contrary to the prim & proper world of the post WWII era and the political correctness of the current era, Bawdy is the way to go. Men like it and, more importantly, Women want it.

Some like it hard, raw and crude. Some like it soft, subtle and refined. Either way, Talking Dirty is a very important part of Sex-Play to spice up ones sex life, help prevent it from becoming monotonous, express feelings, heighten sexual pleasure, communicate wants and needs in the heat of the moment and, crucially, focus ones attention on their partner.

As the saying goes, "It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it". Get it right and the rewards are bountiful. Get it wrong and, well, good luck next time.

One of the problems in relationships is that 'Men don't know and Women aren't telling'. Rather than summarising this topic here, below are some links that are well worth the read if you want to learn more about the 'magic technique' of Talking Dirty. He/She will love you for it. (There are heaps, just google Talking Dirty or similar). But essentially (aside from the purely physical) - "for women, verbal communication is key to emotional intimacy and intimacy, in turn, is a common prerequisite for sex. In general, men tend to get an emotional connection through sex, but women need to get an emotional connection to want sex".

At the point of Orgasm it generally doesn't matter what is exclaimed ...  but quite often in 'La Petite Mort' ones omnipotent imaginary friend is mentioned.






According to my girlfriend, I've always been a total disappointment when it comes to sexual small talk. When she sent me a text message saying "HONEY I'M WET!".

"WELL WHY ARE YOU STANDING ABOUT IN THE RAIN THEN?" apparently wasn't the correct response.


I overheard my mum on the phone the other day.

"Yeah, we were at it like horny rabbits and he loved to squeeze my tits whilst fucking me doggy style."

"For god's sake mum!" screamed my sister, "Can you just order the fucking pizza?"


The wife just told me I'm boring in bed.

All I asked was if I could penetrate her vagina with my penis to create sufficient friction between our reproductive organs to reach a satisfactory climax.

See what I mean?

hugs and kisses

 dolltime xxx






Great story, can't make a longer comment Dolltime as your girls makes me too hot...

Guy )

It's true, whether to woman or doll, telling them how they truly make you feel -- and what you want to do with them }:) -- is a key part to doing it with some real passion. I can't believe people who have sex without saying much to each other; literally, WTF?!?

After I read this blog I had to visit my girls room! O' well Be back in a day or twoWink

My ex didn´t like sex talk or talk at all in bed, Brigitte loves it when I do it. Guess who makes me happy and is the better lover. Great pics, I guess I´ll log out and go back to bed for some more. 
