Christmas Sex.


As we approach Christmas and the Festive season one may be forgiven for thinking it is a time for fun, indulgence and perhaps a bit of hanky - panky and playing around. The Medieval Church however saw things a bit differently. It was forbidden to have sex 40 days before Christmas, Easter, and Whitsun, On Holy and Saints days, on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, during Menstruation, between conception and birth, after birth (33 days if a boy and 66 days if a girl), in daylight and when naked.

Yeah, I know - WTF. 

Fortunately these days we are more enlightened ......... or are we? ....

In the USA today around 1 in 200 women claim to have conceived without sex and about half of them also claim virginity. Presumably because of the restricted and judgemental culture or society in which they live. While parthenogenesis is particularly common amongst arthropods and rotifers and can be found in some species of fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles, but not in mammals - but then again:

It was the doctor's last patient consultation of Christmas Eve. A mother came in with her young daughter and asked if he would examine her because she had been showing some strange symptoms, including a significant increase in weight, sickness most mornings and a number of strange cravings.
He checked her out very carefully and eventually told the mother that her daughter was unquestionably pregnant. At which news she protested very strongly.

'Don't be ridiculous, my daughter has never been with a man'

The girl confirmed that this was true and added that she had never so much as kissed a man.

The doctor thought for a bit, then quietly stood up, walked to the window and stared out of it.

Suspecting the worst the mother asked if there was something wrong.

"No, not really" replied the doctor. 'It might just be a coincidence, but the last time a similar claim was made a bright star appeared the East.'

How do you know Santa has to be a man? 

No woman is going to wear the same outfit year after year.


How do you teach a bunch of kids about God—who He is, and what He does?

Gather them all in a classroom. Then never show up.


Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

hugs and kisses


PS: If you want to see an interesting documentary of how the church became so obsessed with sex (Sex and the West pt 1 of 3) then check out.

Poor quality but it's the commentary that's important.


"It was forbidden to have sex ... when naked." :O:O:O

WTF :O having sex with your pants on :?

Glad that times have changed ;)


With the Church's restrictions its a wonder that Europe was populated at all. Great post Muzza. Hehe.

Mechwizard Consort to the Queen of Curves

A very merry one to you my friend!Smile


I am pretty sure that I was conceived without sex too....:O


Hi Dolltime, I guess europe was even able to survive the Black Death because you were able to get rid of your sins by paying your dues to the church which build up even more churches and cathedrals. Beauty in stones as in Chartres paid by sinners. Innocent Clever business. Cool Great jokes. I´m still looking out for that star, haha. Chris

Well Christmas sex, is it better with ones pants on or off :D. I guess times have changed. I'd just settle for sex whatever way it comes ;).


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

So good that we aren't born at the century of the Medieval Church because today we can enjoy dolls without these restrictions.....and lovely Santa girls.