Legends of the cornfields "the great ship"

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We have received sightings of a pirate ship over the thames and circled big ben! took a course to the third star to thr right but then changed to across the pond and to  the USA!surprise Twlight has been montering the situation! Down the cornfield to the east here comes the great ship as if foating on air she unfurled the jolley roger. gun ports open. She turns hard to port bringing cannons to bear Twlight says hold your fire something is amiss!smileyI see Peter at the helm he is a known prankster. the great ship brings in the jolly roger and flys a what is this a smiley flag! Hey girls quit dreaming you are seeing too many movies!surprise 


Hi deerman, yes, they do watch too many movies, tell them there isn´t a Captain Sparrow but you! Chris

The Great Ship and the hunt  for Tick Tock!! a crock has a taste for hook!smileyand he is loose,My MY what a turn of events! Peter pan  beware a race between the hunted and the huntersurprise