Owner: Kharn
(398 items total)
Owner: Serge
(6 items total)
Owner: Serge
(10 items total)
Owner: Serge
(9 items total)
Owner: Serge
(14 items total)
Owner: Serge
(16 items total)
Owner: Serge
(17 items total)
the word "Klittra", contraction of clitoris and glittra (in French "brillant"), would thus manage to emphasize the importance of the clitoris in the female pleasure.
Owner: Serge
(17 items total)
Owner: Serge
(17 items total)
Owner: Serge
(27 items total)
Part 2 the dispute
Part 2 the dispute
Owner: Serge
(28 items total)
Owner: Serge
(15 items total)
Owner: swan
(10 items total)
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