Monthly Featured Photographer - December 2013

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This month's Featured Photographer is a long-time and well-known member of the Doll Forum, Everhard, who owns many dolls (and heads) from varied manufacturers.  In this exclusive page from his website,, he provides everyone with some tips on how to improve your own photography... and who knows?  Your doll(s) could be the next to grace our monthly issues!

Quoted directly from his site:

My choice of camera strikes a balance between quality and simplicity. I took most of my photos with a Fuji S7000. I bought it partly because a member of the Doll Forum wrote that, although its specification is no better than its rivals (at that time) it takes better pictures. I subsequently changed to a Fuji HS 30 EXR. The reason I bought it is nothing to do with dolls: It has a big zoom so I can take photos of hang gliders from the ground. However, it has a tilting LCD on the back and its zero-zoom setting is a wider angle than the S7000, which makes photographing dolls in a confined space easier. It also has a much longer battery life and vastly more photo storage capacity than the older camera.

Please read more at ... and thanks for the tips and great photos, Ev!

-  GFELube

Note from the Editor: Each month we will feature a
different photographer's work. We invite doll owners and manufacturers
alike to participate in this new monthly feature. Photo shoots must meet
a minimum quality level. If you do not meet that level we are happy to
work with you, critique your photos and help you to raise the bar on
your photography. Good photo shoots can be had with low cost digital
cameras. It is all in the technique.

Submit your inquiries and sample entry photos to


It's great to see Everhard featured as the photographer of the month. He's taken so many photos of the dolls I guess he's lost count :)

The article at the Coffee Shop is a great bonus and has some really good advice, So please do click on the link about and take a look ;) .


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Thanks Ev for sharing all those tips :)

Being one of those guys that is still learning and mostly learning by doing, these are some great practical tips!

It's also nice to recognize some of them. One of my own favourite doll photos was more or less a remake of a painting I have.


It's great to have the advice of a highly experienced doll photographer, and there are very few (if any) more experienced than Everhard. He has a singular style that works great every time I see it. I believe Stacy once provided another photo tip mentioning something like eyes and hands as two of the most expressive areas of the body, and are thus key focal points on dolls as well; get the eyes and hands positioned right, and the doll pics will elicit that "Wow, she looks real!" reaction. I think Everhard learned that a long time ago, and it's just one of his consistent details that keep a photographer at the top level.

These are very inspiring photos and ideas! Thanks Everhard, your dolls always appear to be caught in a special real life moment. Smile

We have all enjoyed viewing Ev's photos for many years and it is good to see them here at CD.

Many thanks for the pleasure and inspiration he has provided, the honesty and variety of his work and the photo tips.

Great Stuff.