Love, Dolls and Robots Part 2: Foxx Fashion & Lifestyle Blog March 2020



Haaiiii Bbz!

We are back with a follow up to last month's blog. First, a little more about why we updated the name. While fashion is important it is really a part of our life style. We originally set out that I would discuss fashion, social trends and other aspects of synthetic living.  So really, while the name of the blog has changed, I am just getting it refocused on the original intended content, which is much broader than fashion, because fashion is a reflection of our lifestyle(s).


First the fashion part of the blog.  Polly Esther isn’t just fashion designer maven for us dollies, she is a totally rad babe who likes to have fun and is an awesome friend.  We have been able to hang out a lot, plus we chat about clothes and our pictures.  Last month, we had a sleepover and her BF Brent photographed us. He’s lots of fun too. Hope you enjoyed this pics last month.  I went to San Marcos to have Polly measure me for some outfits.  She custom made me a pair of booty shorts, then doll-fitted a top and a body suit for me.


Here I am looking through my closet trying to decide what to wear.

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Finally!  First outfit….

But first I want to show you the super cute thong Polly gave me to wear with this. It’s sooooo cute and sexy!




Looool I am doing a hand-bra move….

This tiger stripe top is so much fun, I love the how it covers part of my hand like a half glove… You can see the booty shorts show just enough booty….I was ready to go out clubbing so I was checking my make up in the mirror… I went easy on it for  this place.



No time like the present for a selfie!



The other piece Polly fitted for me was a fishnet body suit from Dolls Kill.   To get with the theme, Teej helped me with my make up and redid my hair.  Earlier that day  I was chatting with Elizabeth who had some ideas  for my hair too.  She had admired Cat’s space buns and tendrils for her Cover Doll shoot in 2018; so I gave them a try, with a little grunge/goth make up.  Elizabeth also suggested I try the tendrils too- so I made TJ style my har that way.




Now Bbz I’ll share some of what Elizabeth (Betty Boo, B-Boo, Bish) and I have been talking about regarding perspectives on synthetic living or as we called it last month, “Love, Dolls and Robots.”  There are many reasons people choose to seek out relationships with dolls.  Regardless of that reason; the doll is filling some sort of a void in that person’s life, but it is different for everyone. There are a lot of terms for it, but  Post Human Companionship is perhaps the most positive.  Not everyone considers their doll a companion, to some we are just sex toys. That’s ok to us, if the person treats the doll well and doesnt abuse her (or him) . That concept is like a kid who is attached to a stuffed animal but then damages it, or perhaps like a grown person abusing a pet.  There is a lot of ethical discussion about treating dolls  poorly being related to treating people poorly.   Although, no one has found solid evidence of that, anti doll groups tend to cite that as an argument agaist us. Regardless, people have relationships with dolls and other objects.  For the blog, we will keep it positive.

There are lots of names or labels for people who have dolls in their lives. There are a lot of names for us too.  Elizabeth and I talked about how Love Doll, Sex Doll and the less accurate Sex Robot are very stigmatizing and kind of demeaning.  There is discussion here on TDF, broadcast media and in social media about other less negative terms.  For now TJ and I like “companion” because we are companions for one another.    We say I am a synthetic companion…

Elizabeth suggested that isn’t the way a person and a doll get connected similar to how two humans start a relationship?  One is attracted to the other, they might have sex and then their relationship deepens as they move along. There are parallels for sure. Some humans never get passed just having  casual sex -isn’t that the same with some humans and some dolls?


In some situations the relationship grows. That is especially true for TJ and me. More so now, that we are exclusive. I am the only doll in his life now.  TJ and I have grown much together over the last 5 years. YES! FIVE years this March 30.   My personality has grown and developed the whole time. As I keep growing, so does my relationship with TJ.  Not unlike two people,  There are times when you will see that we try to illustrate this in photos we take. For example, here I am looking in the mirror before getting dressed.  I  love my new hair style.  Elizabeth helped me decide on a new look. Really, isn’t that what friends do with each other?


It really isn’t uncommon for a woman to stand in front of a mirror topless or nude and look at herself before picking an outfit. It is not sexual at all, it is just feminine.  Just because someone (human or a doll) is nude or topless, doesn’t mean they want sex at that moment.    We took these on a Saturday morning when we could take our time to relax and spend time together before getting on with the day.  That is how this part of the blog came together, after Skyping with Elizabeth.




We aren’t trying to make any broad statements or criticize anyone’s relationship with their doll(s.)  I am all about getting others to just think and maybe the’ll have a friendly dialogue with someone else.  That’s how we effect change isn’t it?


Another way I have a different perspective from other dolls is my online presence; not that a doll with an online presence is a unique concept, it isn’t. But my experience is as much like that of an organic woman as it is for a doll. I have relationships with organic women and men outside the doll world who know I am a doll but accept me as such. We chat about things we have in common- like clothes, tattoos, and music. One woman who owns a small business that makes intimate accessories and body jewelry LOVES having me as a customer and that I promote her products. She also follows me and always makes supportive comments on my Instagram photos.  Of course, there are people who aren’t friendly, we ignore, avoid or block them if needed.  But again we’ll focus on the positive.  Maybe one day, synthetic/organic relationships  be accepted like LGBTQ and even interracial relationships.  We have to start somewhere.

Last month I showed you some temporary tattoos. The ballerina is still in my cleavage from last month.  I have several new ones that have been on between 1 and 2 weeks.


This one isn’t there anymore but it lasted about a month since last blog.


One morning last week the light was really pretty coming in thorough the window so TJ was able to capture these. Note the skull and bows tattoo on my hip.



Well bbz! Thanks for reading a checking out our photos! Please leave a comment below!



Remember you can follow Polly, Galmato Haven and Elizabeth on Instagram

@Pollys_ Dollies




Don’t forget to Follow Cover Doll!







See you next month bbz! 



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