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We are looking into the possibility of having printed desk calendars if demand warrants. Otherwise, only a digital download will be available.
We have set up a basic poll to get your input. Clicking HERE or on the photo will take you to the poll and
additional sample cover and pages as well as calendar style samples and prices.
Clicking on link opens new window.
A printed calender would be nice, but online is fine too.
Mechwizard Consort to the Queen of Curves
As advised in TDC would be
As advised in TDC would be interested in a wall hanging calendar with dolls on top of fold and days of month below fold, the size, when folded, being a bit larger than A4. Each square for each day being large enough to write a short note eg for tuesday - Dr  9.30am to get script for Viagra.
Maybe buy two or three provided cost not greater than $10,00 each plus postage.
Not interested in a desk calendar.
Also advised I would be happy to be one of the Dolls if someone could photoshop me to look the drop dead gorgeous doll I am rather than the mediocre attempts of muz which are posted (bless his soul for trying).
hug and a kiss