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As reported by Mike Kelly

The first true human-looking robot (read: android) is finally for sale! Wooo Hooo !!!!

She’s called “Actroid”. She’s very human-looking, human acting and has a computer for a brain. Her movements are very human-like too. ACTROID can understand naturally spoken words. In addition, she can carry on a conversation with a human and answers in a natural sounding human voice. ACTROID can communicate in Chinese, Korean, English and Japanese. When it communicates with a human ACTROID will responds with natural gestures such as eye movement and smiling.

The Actroid female android robot greeted guests at the information booth of Japan’s World Expo. She understands 40,000 phrases in each of the four languages and has human facial expressions to match the more than 2,000 types of answers she can give.

She’s even programmed with a sense of irony; when asked if she is a robot, she answers disconnectedly and with clumsy movements — followed by a “just kidding!” before reverting to smooth humanoid motions. She can also perform rap music.

Take a look at Actoid’s photos at tell me you wouldn’t have to do a double-take – she’s very realistic looking.

She’s a human-looking and human acting robot – a true Android for sale today!

Weight: Approximately 70kg

Power source: Air

Electric power consumption: 3.7kW

Noise: Below 50db

ACTROID is manufactured by Advanced Media, Inc., and Kokoro Co., Ltd.

Now – you are probably wondering about the “Valerie” android we reported on earlier this year. Chris at Android World needs a buyer for the first one. She’s only $60,000 and Chris will take payments too.

With Actroid out – we are finally on the road to artificial humans! The model-T of Androids is for sale!


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