Isla Blanca


I'll develop this blog in Spanish (my mother language) so I can develop my ideas in the best way, any question that this blog may arise I'll answer it gladly and as soon as I can.

I listed my blog under future and science fiction because my doll related stories happen in a not so far future, and I listed it under RealDoll just to fill in the form, my stories include different types of dolls, this is one of the issues in my stories in fact, how new differences and diversity may develop in said future


Hi Francotirador :)

Welcome to CoverDoll blogs. We look forward to reading your story :)

Do you have a doll or will you be writing about dolls and the science and tech?


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Hi frankotirador, good to see you here.  :)  Look forward to your stories and pics.:)



I have some good stories I'm developing but I'm a doll admirer for now as I'm saving for my first doll

I'll share some stories, just sci-fi  cos I'm no scientist, I'll try to post my dreams of a future here (dolls are important part of those stories of me).

and nope, I'm a doll admirer for now, I'm saving for my dollie