Creatively Uncreative Featuring Han Li Mei


Hello Everyone,
As many of you are already aware, I and Li Mei will be starting a monthly column related to doll photography.  I plan to focus on the many different aspects of photography and modeling your dolls from trying to illustrate how ISO, f-stop, and shutter speed impact your photos, to using a green screen and inserting your doll into a scene, equipment you might want, to brainstorming a shoot and working through the logistics of it.  

Also, I will have in one of my early columns a set I take using a very basic point and shoot pocket sized camera to show that you don't need a high end DSLR with several thousand dollars worth of gear to take some very nice photos and can fix most problem in very basic photo editing software.  

I may even sponsor a photo contest limited to basic point and shoot cameras only at some point where you get to take Li Mei on a date as the prize.

(Li Mei says something unladylike in the background)

...oh, she doesn't seem to like that idea much

...where you get to take Li Mei to bed

(Li Mei says some words in English that I didn't even know she knew)

...ok, she likes that idea even less

...hey, I didn't say they get to have sex with you, they just get to take you to bed and then have to go home

(Once again I hear words from Li Mei that would make a longshoreman blush)

...alright fine

...Where you get to tie Li Mei up and have completely debauched sex with her while you are both dressed in My Little Pony costumes.

...Oh, oh!

...Ouch, that riding crop hurts!  You actually hit people with that for real!  No wonder they obey you.

(The sound of a riding crop crashing down on a skull can be heard over a flurry of curse words)

...Where you get a gift card to TDF Sponsor Toy Demon, so you can get a facsimile of Li Mei to have sex with when you call her at 2 AM on her mobile number which I'll give you as she loves dirty phone calls.

(This time the curse words are in Mandarin and that crop contacts skin)

...Ouch!  Ok!  Ok!  It will just be a gift card, but you won't get Li Mei's number.  There are you happy.

(She is still muttering in Mandarin.  I am in real trouble now.)

Anyway, stay tuned.  I will post an update when I know what my first topic will be.


Now you've done it, you'll have them flooding in to see if they can get a date with Li Mei }:) :D I guess you now know that she knows more English that you thought ;)

Anyway my friend I'm really looking forward to your monthly shoots and tutorials, and of course seeing more of Li Mei :) :) :) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,....

So whens this competition start?
I want to win the date with Li Mei!


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

We are looking forward to your blog.

Having only a point and shoot camera, after over 3 years of blogging new ideas and techniques are becoming very hard to think up.

