Kalei's Christmas


Kalei once again is the one responsible for ensuring the Star household is full of christmas cheer.

Trimming the tree, wrapping gifts, and being naughty  but oh so nice...

Hope the season is as good to you as Kalei is to me.

Enjoy some photos of Kalei from Christmases past..

Click picture for the gallery and full-size images.

We wish all a Merry Christmas,


These images are absolutely terrific Star

You got some skills!

Merry Christmas

Naughty and nice!Smile or is it the other way around! I'm positive Santa is happy.Wink

That is one of the nicest photos of Kalei standing by the tree with a gift. Laughing

And a Merry Christmas to you too.

Lovely Xmas pics Star. Cool how Kalei changes her hair. I especially like the blonde.

Star 88! This is such a nice combination of photos on a theme! I love the many views you chose! I really like the Long hair with the boots on the sheepskin! Man you really nailed it with this shot. Or is it just me? Dude! I am saving this one! Keep up the great work!

She's Santa's most pretty helper, that's for sure 8)


Oh so nice indeed, Kalei looks great no matter what hair colour or haircut, wow. Chris

Kalei looks just what Santa ordered for every good boy over Christmas. Very, very nice :) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.