Angel Yan (Crown Edition) 1/6 Scale Figure by JIAOU DOLL


           Angel Yan (Crown Edition) 1/6 Scale Figure by JIAOU DOLL


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Product Description

Angel Yan is a highly detailed figure featuring an original female head sculpt. The Angel Yan figure stands in the 1/6 scale and includes a large set of wings for when the battle takes to the skies.


This figure is based on a character from the anime series, "Transcend the Gods". Angels as a concept were introduced at the tail end of season 2, and didn't feature actual figures until season 3. Angel Yan is a basic Angel in the series and not a major character. 

The Box:

Both layout and art work the box is well done. It even came with instructions. Although they were in Chinese, the photos were easy to follow. The figure is packed tightly and lots of plastic bags taped on the legs and arms. The packaging and box is perfect for storing the figure in. Even after assembly she fit back in there with no issues for space.

The Figure:

This set is really hard to work with and a disappointment to me. I knew I was in trouble as the left boot was not attached and no matter what I tried I can't get it to stay on. I even tried the boiling water and hair dryer, nothing. The crown does not fit at all. The hands will pop off with the slightest movement. Very hard to get the cape on with those little pins and stuff falls off while trying to get it on. Very stiff and hard to pose. The wings are just unreal in how detailed they are. They actual went on easier then I thought they would. The down side is they are on a thick soft wire structure. It is inevitable that with to much usage you will experience metal fatigue.

This set also has a 2 part metal lance that screws together. The top part was bent like a bow. I did the best I could but the banner's loops are so small I can't get it started on. There is also a shield. All metal, heavy as heck with tiny real leather straps and itsy little metal buckles There is noway that the hand will stay on with this on it so not worth trying.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I put it at a 6. Display only not good for play!

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don't know why but when i saw pic 9 where she has her sword raise i thought "by the power of gray skull".



That is a real shame, she looks wonderful in the photo's.. I agree with you, using metal parts on these figures are way to heavy.. plastic is much better.. Oz..