Sobek - Egyptian Crocodile Deity!



Sobek -Black 

Sobek (also called Sebek) was an ancient Egyptian deity with a complex and elastic history and nature. He is associated with the Nile crocodile or the West African crocodile and is represented either in its form or as a human with a crocodile head. Sobek was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess, but served additionally as a protective deity with apotropaic qualities, invoked especially for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile.


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The Set:

As always, it's your basic set, figure, spare hands, some items on and some off. I had no problem putting the armor and wraps on. Hands are the same basic ones, fist, holding and waving. Sadly, the feet, although large, do not have a solid ball lock so it is loose. I wrapped the stem's ball with pipe tape, and it helps. All of the figures with these style feet have that issue. This one only has one head; I think they should have done two with one with the mouth open. 


I had intended to include the new Demon Guard from Coo. But as you can see from the first picture, he showed up all broken. But waste not as his helm and such will find a home. 


I figure that a God based on a Crocodile might be more spartan so I figured a nice slate throne room on the Nile so it would be cool and damp. Of course, I never let an opportunity to use my collection of slave girls go by. I managed to obtain the white versions shield for my throne guard and was happy to see that helm fit my other Guard and the shield from the Demon Guard was perfect!



Still if you have all the other Gods then he is a must. Otherwise, it's a cool set by it's self but it is more for display then play. My Girls are all play all the time though!! 



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very intereting and toothy lone will he be part of fern valley or spider island?
