Mischief's Musings


Well after finally finding my way around Coverdoll, I decided to start a blog.  I will say that I suck at these things as far as keeping them updated.  But I shall endeavor to do better.

As a few of you know I have been around TDF and Doll Chronicles for a while now.  My spousal unit (mbishop99) introduced me to TDF and the idea of getting a silicone doll last year.  He told me all about the dolls and showed me lots and lots of photos.  Mainly of a Mechadoll model named Sophie and of course TDF's own Sophie. 

After some scrimping and discussions we were going to order our own Sophie.  Placed that order around the first of March of last year.  We got emails, phone calls and the like from the retailer letting us know things were on schedule.  But I will end that here.  I am lamenting on the past.

Needless to say we never received our Sophie or Laura dolls from Mechadoll.  But we are the proud owners of a Ruby13, face 2 doll.  Her name is Desirae.  She has vivid blue eyes and she likes her red hair best even though mbishop99 keeps changing out her wigs.  I don't think that he has decided upon one.  But I know for a fact he prefers redheads. 

We received our lovely Desirae on Dec 17th.  Her out of mold date or birthday is Dec 5th. 

I will post more as time, content and ideas allow.



Welcome and can't wait to see pics of Desirae, nice name !

Welcome onboard Mischif. Sorry to hear about the problems with your Mechadoll but nice to see that you now have a Ruby13 :)

As Elle said, now lets see some more nice photos of her. By the way if you need a blog gallery, then let me know ;)


CoverDoll Publisher