CoverDoll Promo #1

"CoverDoll's First Promo"

Reported by Midiman

Note: YouTube has rated this video as "Inappropriate Content" and removed it and penalized my account, even though it meets Canadian Broadcast Standards PG rating guidelines. This action on YouTube's part is both discriminatory and supporting Cyber Bullying. YouTube is apparently running a double standard - one for videos flagged by Cyber vandals and trolls and one for unflagged videos. A quick search of content on YouTube will reveal a large number of videos that in actual fact do not even meet the PG standard of our video.
Once YouTube responds to our request pointing out exactly what it is that fails their criteria check (our network media specialists are scratching their heads at the moment) we will submit a 'Shirley Temple version to sit along side their remaining Mature Rated videos :) Our content rating specialists believe the YouTube staff are in actual fact filling in any blurred out nudity in their minds.
I expect YouTube would be flooded to capacity if people started flagging all the videos they could find that failed to meet even the PG specifications of this video.

Click here for Hi-Rez Flash Version - Better than YouTube Quality


Also on Google Video

Problems viewing? Complain to YouTube or watch our version.

Check out our rebuttal to YouTube!


This is the first of our new promos for CoverDoll and the doll industry. Our promos are intended to show you the more diverse side of the life-size doll industry and how these new models are not only becoming popular with art collectors, but are now playing an active role in the photographic and movie industry.


CoverDoll Publisher


CoverDoll has no affiliation with any of the above manufactures in our promo.

CoverDoll Publications takes no responsibility for any problems accruing in anyway or form what so ever, in any business transactions, loss of funds or loss of goods in transit, repair or modification etc, from any of the above manufactures that you may do business with.

© 1999-2009 CoverDoll digital publications


Good Promo for CoverDoll.

How interesting it would be to know if it generates any 'custom'?

Guess we will never know.


G'day everyone,...


I just settled down to watch this Promo,...with a fresh cup of tea,..

Half way through what do I see when Midi mentions erotic photography?

I look up to see him in a hot tub with his legs in the air! Bianca I can look at but the sight of Midi,..well I spilled my Tea!,... in bed damn it!!

Thanks Midi,..I have to change the bed clothes thanks to you!

Great Promo vid,..but needs a warning,...

Dont drink Tea while watching cause you'll spill it while laughing!!!




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Haha that made me laugh :D , you should have seen the unedited one, no just kidding :D


CoverDoll Publisher

G'day everyone,....


There's an UN-edited version???

Dear God help me,.... not to mention my Laundry bill!!?




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Very nice promo ! I did not understand the comment (the guy has a terrible accent Cool) ; but i enjoyed looking at it Wink

I love this video.  I got it marked on YouTube as one of my favorites.
