Gloves and Marauding Cameras.


Hi Dear Readers,

So there I was the other day crawling around on the couch - as one does from time to time, n'est-ce pas - playing with some trinkets and trying to get some gloves on (some folks do that to protect their fingers).

When along comes muz with his marauding camera and clicks away.

Never did get the gloves on.




And what happened when he took the pictures? Or is that a secret LOL :D ;) }:)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,....


Please tell me that is'nt a Tatoo on Nony's left hip?

I might have to come and Massage it off of her if it is,...






Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Actually Yes and No. It is a broach simulating a tattoo. The one on the right arm fell off.

But both Tash and I are getting tattoos as soon as muz perfects his 'how to'.

And you are welcome to give us a massage, but no hanky panky mind, would not want to upset Kaori.



G'day everyone,...


Trust me,.I would'nt have a chance to try anything with Kaori there,..(with her favorite frying pan at the ready!) and whats more,..Kaori would insist she be Massaged as well,and be the last so I will be all worked up for her,.. the little minx,...




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

You've got to watch out for them, they creep up on you.  The Wizard has a saying, "Watch out for coppers, they creep in with the humans" , like that.  Tattoos are so hot.  I'm getting one, bum to neck, as soon as the Wizard comes up with an idea I like and draws it.

Kisses, Zara