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Kalei knows that there is a certain amount of work required to reap the rewards of the life she lives. She's happy to pitch in when she can. She a partner in this relationship, not a kept woman.

What Women Want ... ?

Back in the 60's, as a late teenager with raging hormones, getting into girlfriends pants was an all consuming pastime. Despite the so called sexual revolution of those days, more often than not they resisted and, after a night out, a kiss was just about as good as it got.

When you read the article below, written by a Woman, to Men, trying to help them understand sex from a woman’s perspective and what she’s looking for, one realises how much damn willpower they had in those days. But then of course, condoms were embarrassing to buy, the pill had yet to be widely available, families out of wedlock were very much frowned upon and women's financial independence had not yet been established.  I might also add that the principle she expresses is contrary to everything I and many other 'British middle classers'  were taught as young boys and ideas, as we all know, once taught are not easily untaught. Ignorance is not necessarily bliss.

 ...  How times have changed.

Look, I know you men have it difficult. Women are just about impossible to understand, much less please.
