August Calendar Girl - and a bit of Useless Info.


Dear Readers,

We have a little African number for you this month as, here in the Antipodes, August brings the warmer weather and Summer is on the way.

And we have been playing around with Photoshop - Still learning. Hope you like it.

The stretch Material is a dream to feel and wear but the very devil to sew and stitch, at least for us. Worth the effort though. Jungle Tash huh.

And while we are in the depths of Africa we thought it time to resurrect some useless info.

Did you know, there are more beetles on Earth than any other type of creature. Within the Beetle family, the number of species alone is nearly a quarter million. I bet the Ants are livid.

Bushmen in Southern Africa hunt with poison arrows. The poison is extracted from the pupae of beetles found in the soil beneath marula trees. A few drops of the poison squeezed onto an arrow are enough to kill an antelope.

Think we will stick with the supermarket.

hugs and kisses.

Tash of the Dolltime Girls


:) Wow Tash looks great in her bikini and wow that image looks very nice, really well done there ;)

Yep Beetles, I can believe that, with the hot weather here we have had loads of them. I personally prefer the ones that sing :D


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Tash looks wild in that bikini set and the graphics look cool. I always enjoy learning new things from you girls every month.

G'day everyone,...


Tash looks like a lioness,..

She looks like she is full of lioness passion,...




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!


WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!