Elle's blog

Elle under the knife (2nd times)

Hi guys,

Bad title but good news :)

Elle has a bad hip since 1 year and a few months (model 2006), nothing broken but the hip's joint is detached and the 2 items making the joint were able to disassemble one from the other, so i was careful with Elle.
But 2 days ago, after Elle's photoshoot for Coverdoll march, i noticed her leg was not as usual :? Difficult to explain but it was like if the leg was falling apart. :O

Hot and Cold

Hi guys :)

Last news from Elle. Last month she was wearing her christmas gift, an outfit from RedCorner, a very hot brand :jawdrop:
The lace ('dentelle' in french) is something magic because the transparency. I tryed to show you how Elle was hot but as you often say : photos don't do justice to our dolls ;)

Elle's second outdoor photoshoot

Hi guys,

For the second time in 5 years, Elle went out to do a photoshoot :) The first time it did last 10 minutes because i was not at ease with a possible visit, but this time i was at ease, no stress ;) , because i did the photoshoot a Sunday at twelve o'clock }:)
The probability to get a visitor was very very low ;)

To answer to Muzza, the bridge is just 30 meters far from my house, i used a trolley like Incred does, very easy to walk Elle this way !
