How are coverdolls chosen?


I am new to posting on here and having a bit of a hard time getting around. I'm wondering how Coverdolls are chosen and if I wanted to submit photos of my doll to be considered how would I do that?

                        Thanks for any help ------Rojo


Hi Rojo,

All members are able to submit photos to CoverDoll in order to become a CoverDoll. the easiest was is to email a couple of sample photos to

I can then take a look and let you know what has to be done. I hope this helps ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Thanks Kharn, that does help.  ---- Rojo

Hi.Kharn  i hope you like my new Prisshots?  I, too would love her to be considered as a future potential coverdoll, As a rank amateur it would be a massive honour.

I'll send you a pm, but I'm still waiting for a reply from my last one ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

So sorry,Kharn i didnt even realise i had a pm still a bit green with site-navigation and so on.

G'day everyone,..


Thats how Kaori got into Coverdoll,...

She bribed me me to get her into Coverdoll!

If I got her into Coverdoll,.. I'd get somthing I wanted,.....


That train set still works to this day!




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!


WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Is the email address the same as at the top of this thread?

Hi Hedy, if you have any questions about CoverDoll, contact kharn, or me (, or contact us at TDF.