Visitors are Coming.


We have not been around much lately, In fact we have hardly been on the computer at all the last couple of weeks. Surprised

Partly due to getting ready for a big family gathering this weekend and partly due to muz getting a new jigsaw puzzle and once he starts he's addicted. Anyway, here we are dressed up for our visitors. Going to be a full house with 5 adults, 2 Children, 2 Dogs and of Course 3 Dolls.

But at last we have caught up on the latest edition of CoverDoll.

Hugs and kisses

Dolltime (Still missing Lubov but glad to see at TDF she is settling in with Zara and the Wiz).


Hi Muzza :)

both are very eleguant to welcome the family !


The girls certainly know how to put on the style for the family. :)  They look a million dollars, the family are going to enjoy their stay. :)