Competition photo of september


Here is Helen's a little bit special proposition for the competition of this month (theme = Twilight)
As she sleeps with me at night, I wonder if I am not going to begin to have a nightmare.


Really well done my friend, and she can bite me anytime :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

welldone but frightening :O
You sleep with the skulls too :?

Thank you Kharn and Jihan.
I sleep with Helen but owls stay outside and skulls are under the bed.... LOL

 Great work Patrice. :) To get a stunning girl like Helen looking spooky takes a lot of hard work! Great image, thanks. :)

If that's for September, what's for Halloween?

Nice pun, "a little bit".

It's amazing, the art that can be done with dolls.

Thank you, thank you, 1Jayjay and Gramps.
I took a lot of pleasure to make this photomontage.