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Living Dolls Issue 25

Created by B-man & Kharn

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Is this the end of the Boobie Prize and the crew, will the Galaxy be changed forever :jawdrop:

Well never rule out the dolls ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Rumors say that the mining vessel Thonguska led by Commander Bonehead has picked up the distress call from Boobieprize. But will they get there in time? Thonguska is equipped with the galaxys most powerful laser cannon.  




Check out my Doll Album: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/index.php?cat=10683

G'day everyone,..

Dratted Cliffhangers,..

You can't leave us with things unresolved like this!

Kaori and now jessica are now worried about their fellow Dolls,..



Playing with Dolls is a Joy!


WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Fear not as a plan is at hand by the dolls, they just need some time ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Well, now that midiman and I are done our worldly travels, I think it is time to catch up on teh comics. We are a few episodes behind. But thatis great, becaseu we don't have to wait for the next issue, we can just move forward :)

Glad to see the comics still thriving.


I'm a real doll...and I know it!