Industry Experts on Doll Upkeep


Did you know, that if you store Sil-Poxy in the freezer, it will prolong it's freshness?

Sil-Poxy Lasts Longer In Freezer

Tips like that from Don @ Ruby13 Studios, can keep doll owners out of the red, when it comes to doll upkeep and repair. Its always good to research insider tips from experts like Don at TDF, on doll ownership maintenance.

Another tip, which seems to be an unspoken rule in cleansing procedure is, using rubbing alcohol to cleanse your dolls.

I hear many stories on TDF threads, on how owners cleanse their doll(s), in champagne bubble baths, in their jacuzzi.

But for the majority of us, insight into the top industry leader's shop methodologies, on proper cleansing to prolong our dolls, and reduce maintenence costs, is critical.

Thats why I always recommend to research the threads at TDF, and listen to advice from experts like Don @ Ruby 13 Studios, whom produces one of the most perfect dolls, ever made- Ruby13 Dolls


TDF Repair/Maintenance topic threads, were recently being discussed by TDF Manager: Alex Knight, and debated, if each manufacturer and vendor, should have a sub-forum repair thread. That should benefit, because alot of doll owners that own the same brands, have alot in common on upkeep, beauty tips, of a specific nature involving specific brands.  

However, most of the industry experts like Don @ Ruby13 Studios, know the nature of upkeep on the product, know matter what brand it is. And he always has critical tips for all doll owners. Thats why its always good to see what experts like Don are saying, at the main TDF Repair and Maintenance Thread.

TDF Main Repair Thread



Great post, and thanks for the popping in the links to our forum topics :)

I think I'll stick to drinking my champagne though ;)

My advice for the last 14 years, has always been to consult the manufacturer of your doll on any problems before proceeding with any repairs. Rule 101, when in doubt ask ;)


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