A Stitch in Time

Blog Category: 

Living Dolls Issue 40

Created by B-man & Kharn

A Stitch in Time Time....


Well it looks like we have a new crew member, until she finds a way back to her time. I wonder what's in store for the crew next month. :?

Well you'll just have to beam back and find out. ;) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,...


If there's no room on the Boobieprize,..

She can crash at my place!


with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

My dolls are a bit worried. They haven't seen Eveshka for a couple of days :(

They keep asking me where she is.  How do I explain she's on a different timeline :?


Love this story. Always look forward to the next episode!