Five Reasons to have Sex.


As if we need a reason - Huh!

Nevertheless here they are ..... I have left links in the text in case any wish to read further:

1. Sex boosts your immune system. “Honey, I have a headache,” may now be the best reason to have sex! Many physicians now recognise how sexual and emotional health affect our entire well being. In other words, how our brain directly impacts our immune system. “They have found that people who enjoy a regular, satisfying sex life (i.e. regular orgasms) are less stressed, less depressed and generally more well physically, mentally and emotionally". They also found that a greater percentage of patients had experienced sexual dissatisfaction prior to a heart attack. Studies also show that, in general, sexual contentment leads to less severe headaches and reduced discomfort from arthritis in both genders.


2. Sex burns calories. Oh yeah, forget those fad diets and get busy 'gettin busy'. Not only does that “loving feeling” get your heart rate up, it can burn some serious calories. A good session can be equivalent to at least one healthy Breakfast or Lunch. Read more: How Many Calories Does Sex Burn - Calories Burned During Sex - Woman's Day


3. Sex relieves pain. Orgasm is one serious narcotic! Oxytocin, a naturally occurring chemical in the body surges during and after climax while working in conjunction with a few other endorphins to make sure you feel no pain. In his book, How to Treat Arthritis, rheumatologist Carter V. Multz asserts that sex can reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis, headaches and menstrual cramps.


4. Sex decreases ageing. “Use it or lose it” has never been more applicable. Regular sex releases a plethora of “happy” chemicals into your bloodstream, including testosterone. As we age, our testosterone levels decrease. Sex is a wonderful way to build your reserves back up, helping build new bones and muscles while putting a youthful glow on your face. According to a study by Dr. David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland and co-author of Superyoung, men and women who reported having sex an average of four times per week looked approximately 10 years younger than they really were.


5. Sex is great for depression. “The release from orgasm does much to calm people. It helps with sleep, and that is whether we talk about solo sex or sex with a partner,” says Jennifer Bass, the head of information services at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction in Bloomington, Ind., in a recent MSNBC article. Researchers believe that sex helps the brain produce serotonin which, in turn, prompts new neurones to grow. Most chemical, antidepressant medications, like Zoloft, work to increase serotonin levels. These drugs take three to four weeks to begin working–about the same amount of time required for new neurones to form. One reason these drugs could be an effective treatment is because they increase cell growth – just as sex does.

So, be happy, be healthy and get laid.

hugs and kisses



Like you said my friend, Who needs a reason ;) Let's face it, without sex know of us would be here :) So let's keep doing what we all like and enjoying }:) :)

Great post and I like what you have on the table, I hope you had seconds }:) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

No reasons needed. But then, it's always nice to know that there are good reasons. It's healthy and most important it's fun :)


G'day everyone,...

What do you mean five reasons,...?
There are literaly hundreds of reasons to have sex!
Have you not payed attention to the pictures around here?
There is inspiration enough in the picture above.


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

educationnal as usual :)
Omg, i was doing a lot of crosswords to keep my neuronal production up ! what a mistake }:) Elle !!! come here please, we've to take care of my serotonin level }:)

Thanks Muzza ;)

Jihan & Elle

I once read a medical study that orgasm opens blood vessels increasing flow and this helps with solving headache and even reducing migraine intensity.  I mentioned this to my wife but she said it was all male propaganda.

Jeez Nony looks great!

Mechwizard Consort to the Queen of Curves