Size Matters!


Ever wondered why some women are so 'OMG' responsive during intercourse while others are, shall we say, "hard to please"?  Why the G Spot, famed for giving mega orgasms, is so elusive & hard to find? Or why some women offer an abundance of that delightful & beautiful warm wet ejaculate and many, none at all? Well it seems that 'Size Matters'. It's down there somewhere!

The size, relative position and 'sensitivity' of the clitoris, a large organ that straddles both side of the vagina, varies from woman to woman, even more than the size of mens penises. The following may enlighten ..

Dr E Jannini, Dept of sexology, University of L'Aquila, Rome - (and others) discovered there is a physical difference between women who experienced vagina (G Spot) orgasm (25%) & those who do not (75%). A wider space between the vagina and urethra and a larger clitoris allow more of the ultra sensitive clitoris (twice as much as a penis) to move and be stimulated 'inside'. A larger clitoris also produces more testosterone and the increased hormone levels add to the ability for easier to achieve and more intense vaginal orgasm.

It also affects female ejaculation. The fluid comes from the female prostate gland (it is not urine). All women ejaculate  - it is just that for most it is such a small amount it cannot be detected except from test tube analysis.

So, for the majority of couples & women who struggle to find the G Spot, don't despair. It doesn't exist as a separate entity. It is merely the best point to internally stimulate the clitoris should it be large enough, positioned well enough and be sensitive enough to do so. And besides, clitoral tip stimulation to orgasm is still wonderful

hugs and kisses


Note: This is a very highly abridged précis of material from documentaries, recent research studies and other texts and reference material. Many women (and couples) have sought medical or psychological assistance because of concerns they were not normal in that they thought they were incontinent (female ejaculation), they could not vaginally orgasm or they could not find the G Spot.

In truth there is no normal, it is all in our own individual physiology.  In the words of Beverly Whipple, who brought the G Spot phenomenon to prominence in the 70's with her book, "If we can help people to have more pleasure and more satisfaction in their lives then that's wonderful. And if we can give more knowledge (& understanding) to science and people regarding sexuality (especially female), that's important. But in the end it is not necessary to have orgasm from 'Thinking', or G Spot stimulation or from whatever. Just that people enjoy what they enjoy". 


Well thank you dolltime and consider me enlightened and little more educated. Duh me.. I didn't know  the  prostate gland was in the female anatomy . You learn something new everyday!



Amazing stuff :)

Wow you never cease to amaze me in what facts you find for your blog. Truly great research my friend.

So does the old saying of "it's not how big it is but how you use it," go out of the window ;) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Kharn, thanks but Absolutely not. You must bear in mind my necessary brevity of the subject matter posted, the context of the subject, the complex nature of our sexulality (especially female) and in the light of previous blogs. Less than one third of women vaginally orgasm easily so technique is important for the other 75%. 80% of women judge men less than competant 'in bed' (previous blog) and besides orgasm, essential for men to ejaculate and imprgnate,  although fantastic for women (more so than a mans), is not their end game. They do not need it to get pregnant. For those few women who can orgasm vaginally it is a bonus (and also for those few lucky men who think they are studs as a consequence).

Smoke, Yep, it has been known for thousands of years. With the advent and rise of the monotheistic and male dominated cultures female sexuality was supressed and much - dare I say almost all - knowledge lost over time. Whipple's hypothesis of the existence of the the G Spot originally began while she treated women for supposed incontinence (ejaculation during intercourse). Freud thought clitoral tip orgasm to be immature and vaginal orgasm, which often includes female ejaculation, could be learn't!  Ha, tell that to the 75% of women who have tried and failed.

Not until Dr Shire Hite opened the door for women in 1976 with the Hite Report did serious study of female sexuality and emancipation really begin. And even then it was highly opposed as it took men out of the equation for women to have pleasure. When the G Spot was hypothesised in 1979 Playboy is quoted as saying "Discovery of the G Spot will relieve men of the clitoral tyranny of Shire Hite".

It my short blogs to accompany a photo I can only offer minor insights and snippets of information to encourage interest. It is up to the readers to explore further this vast terrain of male and female sexuality if they so wish.

Hugs and Kisses


G'day everyone,...

A brilliant read,...
We need more info on this subject, anything that helps women have as much fun and pleasure is a Great thing indeed.


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

what ? female have a prostate gland :O
(they are the Skene glands (they're several))
Life is unfair 8) women have a clitoris, vagina, multiple orgasms and now a prostate :( ?

