Don Jon

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"Don Jon"

"As Reported by Dollyforme"

To say that Scarlett Johansson is a hottie is an understatement. W=She is considered by many as being the hottest woman on the planet Earth period. She is great in the fabulous fall move. The movie begins with Joseph Gordon-Levitt all pumped up to look like a JerseyShore boy --- not bad. Put him together with Scarlett Johansson in very short, very tight dresses, snapping her gum, and you have quite a pair. Such was the look Gordon-Levitt was going for when he wrote "Don Jon" with Johansson in mind, about a Jersey guy who works hard at staying in shape, goes to mass every Sunday, and loves his family --- oh, and by the way, he also loves porn.

Let's begin by stating this is not a film for everyone. It isn't "R" rated because of violence, that's for sure. Jon Martello, or Don Jon as his friends call him because he's so popular with the girls, is addicted to porn. It doesn't matter how many times he has sex with a girl, he's right back at his computer satisfying himself with pornography --- nasty pornography and I’m not talking about doll pics either.

Jon hangs out at the local clubs on Saturday nights, and usually leaves with the girl of his choosing. That is until he meets a very hot blond. She puts him off, he finds out she is Barbara Sugarman (Johansson), they date --- no sex --- she meets his family, he meets hers --- then finally the big night. But after they have sex, Jon is right back in his favorite spot where Barbara catches him. She is appalled --- he promises to stop. Which, of course, doesn't happen.

Meanwhile, in an effort to improve himself for Barbara, Jon begins night classes at a local community college where he is caught watching porn on his phone by fellow student Esther (Julianne Moore). She has a secret of her own, which explains why Jon finds her crying one night outside their classroom. Though initially Jon wants nothing to do with Esther, in the end it is their friendship that changes his life.

Gordon-Levitt worked on this film for four years. He enlisted help from a few of his industry friends, such as Christopher Nolan and Rian Johnson, both of whom he has worked with on films. Both offered him tips on writing and directing. Doing it all is an ominous undertaking, and Gordon-Levitt succeeds blissfully. And though the pornography is rather graphic, the screenplay is very funny.

Adding to the fun is the supporting cast of Tony Danza as Jon's dad, Glenne Headly as his mother, and Brie Larson portrays his silent sister, whose only line is priceless. It's not side-splitting humor, but some of the scenes are extremely amusing. I particularly cracked up when Barbara tells Jon not talk about cleaning his apartment. The guy is a clean freak, kind of like me, and he loves cleaning his bachelor pad. But Barbara finds it decidedly NOT sexy and requests that he not speak of it. I know it's in the previews, but it is pretty darn hilarious.

"Don Jon" is for mature audiences only. If you can handle the porn, go see this movie, if for nothing else than to experience how very talented Scarlet Johansson truly is.


Really good review. I think I'd just go and see this movie for the fact that Scarlett Johansson is in it }:) :)

Good work and thanks Dollyforme for keeping us update on what to see 8)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

"goes to mass every Sunday," - "oh, and by the way, he also loves porn."

Why am I not surprised )

But great write up. Thanks for the review.

I guess it´s a must-see with Scarlett,Chris