Sex Toys.


During and in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis 2008 / 2009 the sales of sex toys went up. It seems when finances are scarce Men and Women can do without many things, but not their toys. Statistics vary, but about half the population (male & female) of the developed and the more liberal of the developing world own or have owned a sex toy. This would be higher if they were more available in shops (Pharmacies and Supermarkets for example) and, of course there is no accounting for cucumbers or holey melons! Nearly all owners of sex toys agree that they give increased pleasure ..... and who could argue with that?

Here are a few facts and statistics regarding sex toys: ...

1. The worlds oldest dildo is around 28,000 years old, 11 inches long, discovered in Germany and made of siltstone. (I guess archeologists would know these things?).

2. The most expensive sex toy is a white gold dildo encrusted with 117 diamonds and worth $55,000. (What!, even after it has been used).

3. Over 75% of those who own a sex toy often use it together with a partner, and it's the girls who bring them along. (I guess they know our male limitations!).

4. It is claimed that Cleopatra climaxed with vibrating balls inside her vagina - she put eager flies inside the balls.

5. Women over 40 years are more likely to masturbate than any other group, often with the help of a toy.

6. The use of masturbatory aids is more common and normal than many may think. And the more sexually liberated a woman is, the more fun she is in bed. Added to which, if a toy is doing a lot of the work, the easier it is for us guys and the more likely she will orgasm (or multiple orgasm).

7. Women who use sex toys report more frequent orgasms, greater satisfaction with their partners and score higher on a self-esteem index than women who don't report masturbating. (And of course it is healthier for them as discussed last month).

8. The best selling 'sex toy' isn't actually a toy at all - it's Lube.

9. Alaska buys the most sex toys per capita - not surprising, it's freaking cold & one is inside most of the time so what the hell else to do but play with toys.

10. While the sale of sex toys is illegal in Mississippi and Alabama, Mississippi buys more anal toys per capita than any other State. (Perhaps a consequence of 'christian' women retaining their vaginal virginity through anal sex - go figure?). And the "Oh so successful" rabbit shaped vibrator? Apparently in Japan it is forbidden for vibrators to look too much like a penis, hence the animal variation. Dolphin shapes are also popular. (And Japanese have such nice looking dicks too - it is all a mystery).

hugs and kisses


PS: My girlfriend recently mentioned that, due to China's one child policy and their cultural preference for males, there is becoming a serious shortage of women to mate for the upcoming generation and the government is considering dolls as part of the solution. Now that is one hell of a big marketplace for doll manufacturers.


These are some statistics :)

I wonder if diamonds on a dildo are stimulating :? it probably depends on the way they are grinded :D

Thanks for sharing and for the great picture - she looks like a diamond to me :jawdrop:


Wow you always amaze me with these fact :) . However the big bonus is always the great doll pic that goes with the artice }:) ;) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

As they say the only difference between men and boys is the size of there toys!Laughing Fun facts Dolltime.

G'day everyone,....

Yet another great read and love the photo that go's with it.



Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

I love sex toys, love them too bits!