Monthly Featured Photographer - March 2014

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This month's featured photographer is Christel, as she explains:


My name is Christel and I am currently studying Photography at a well acknowledged school in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Some time ago I decided that I wanted to tell a photographic story about a doll and her owner, mainly focussing on the emotional connection between them.

After trying to find owners willing to meet me on the Facebook page, I thought it would be much more effective if I would post a message at The Doll Forum.
Nescio was so kind and willing to let me meet him and his ladies.
I couldn't believe how soft they felt and how real they look, absolutely gorgeous!
This was just the first time for me to photograph dolls and I was somewhat reluctant to portrait Nescio himself. I was not sure how to tell the story yet.
As you can see for yourself, the photo's are still mainly detailed, not telling the story yet, but as I have found more people willing to participate in the project, I am sure I will be able to tell the story I am aiming for in the near future.

I am looking for a doll owner located in Chicago, Il, USA to visit between March 29th and April 3rd, if you' re interested in participating please let me know a.s.a.p!!

The project is for portfolio use (galleries) and possibly as my final project for school in June of this year. Aiming to eventually exhibit in an accomplished Gallery.

For these photos I have used my Canon 5D, Mark II. This is a full frame camera, with a 50mm 1.8 lens.
I have only used natural lightening for these photos as the location/settings were perfect for this.
Normally my favorite lightening to use is just one large octobox or, for a fierce effect a ringflash!
I might consider changing my camera to my Hasselblad 500/cm (Analogue) to achieve a more alienating effect.

Thank you Nescio, Everhard and Kharn for your willingness and trust in me!


Thank you, Christel (and also thanks to Nescio for opening his home to her)!

-  GFELube

Note from the Editor: Each month we will feature a
different photographer's work. We invite doll owners and manufacturers
alike to participate in this new monthly feature. Photo shoots must meet
a minimum quality level. If you do not meet that level we are happy to
work with you, critique your photos and help you to raise the bar on
your photography. Good photo shoots can be had with low cost digital
cameras. It is all in the technique.

Submit your inquiries and sample entry photos to


Great work Christel, I look forward to seeing more of your work. :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

It was fun having Christel doing this shoot. And this resulted in some special photos.

Last weekend Christel visited me and my dolls for a second shoot. I haven't seen the photos yet (except a few by looking at her camera during the shoot), but I'm sure these photos will be very interesting - this time the pictures feature me and my dolls, that is my hands, feet, but not my face ;)
