Dream Scape


Click on the image above for full size and the V. Babe gallery

Do you ever dream? If so do you're dreams have beautiful women in them? Well our V. Babe is such a beautiful dream girl, but she can also use her mind to "Dream Scape" in a world full of whatever you could imagine.

So site back and let your mind dream scape with her :-)

Enjoy, :)


She's invited to my dreams )

Each month I'm so amazed by the details of these V-Babes. Be sure to have a look at the full-size picture. It's amazing. Thank you Kharn 8)


Thanks guys :). Nes is correct, you really need to see these V. Babes at full resolution to understand the detail and complexity involved. :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I am a sucker for this kind of fantasy, I admit. I particulary like the ornament 'clothing'  you have given her, Kharn. Of course incredibly uncomfortable in real, but in fantasy this is not a problem at all. Wonderful!

It also reminds me of the recent work of Sabine Vogel. 


Thanks my friend. A picture such as this one takes a long time to create, but once finished is very rewarding.

I just checked on Sabine Vogel and I see that person makes some beautiful fantasy miniature sculptures.

Here's a link to some of her work.

Click on the image to view her gallery


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Oh Wow. Just love it.

One of the great things about dreams of such beauty as depicted is that afterwards, if it is locked in memory, it bcomes no different to some realities. Now that is a memory worth remembering.

We all dream, but I just wish all our dreams were beautiful ones :).


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.