Sex and Old Age.


"Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean the Boiler has gone out". Anon.

There are possibly few things more horrifying to Teenagers than the idea of their Grandparents having Sex.  Yet have Sex they do - with 85% of the over 60's being sexually active declining to around 25% of the over 80's,  and that decline being partially due to ever increasing numbers, at these ages, of available partners 'disappearing into the great unknown', especially for women. And, probably to the chagrin of younger players, reports from participants often say "It's better than ever". :)

This should not be so surprising really. There's a lifetime of experience of course ......... and ....

Without the restraints imposed by children (and the concern of them interrupting), busy daily work commitments and with the freedom of time and place (any time, any place within reason) there are fewer distractions. Added to which older practitioners begin to accept their bodies as they are and their limitations for which there is not a lot they can do apart from healthy living, adaptation and toys. Indeed, having physical challenges encourages people to be extra creative & resourceful which can actually improve their sex lives so long as they don't give up and follow their bodies lead in a comfortable, relaxed and rewarding way.

Sure it might take longer to warm up but that in itself is a benefit for play and with no prerogative to reproduce, Sex can be enjoyed purely for the pleasure of it. }:)

Of course we are all different but, for many, the diminishing urgency & imperative for ejaculatory orgasm can increase the sensual, spiritual and intellectual enjoyment as well as intimacy and lasting longer. In previous blogs we mentioned about some of the health benefits of Sex  - to which you can add reduced risk of developing prostate trouble, stimulation of the brain & mental function and an expression, at the most fundamental level, of ones true self - not to mention it's jolly good exercise when you can no longer make it round the golf course.

'Use it or Lose it' - vaginal atrophy is certainly an issue for women so if they wish to maintain the potential for a healthy sex life to old age, Lube & Dildo need to be in their life's routine if temporarily without a partner.

'Putting up a new flagpole on a condemned building' - Flaccidity is certainly an issue for many men. There are lots of alternatives, the blue pill, injection, creams, white pills, yellow pills, lozenges, etc) so it doesn't have to be as long as you can find something that works without side effects. It also helps to stay off the booze and fags.

The antics of our local 'Golden Oldies' are most entertaining. A friend being pursued was most concerned and said "What am I to do? She is much too young for me". He is over 80, while she is only 60. And at the local hostel the ladies lament "We are happy with the care we receive, the housing and the food - but what we really want is a toy boy each".

Knowing when you are getting older!

Rolling out of bed is easy - getting up off the floor is a whole other story.

The little grey haired lady you helped across the street is your wife.

Your pacemaker makes the garage door open when you see a pretty girl go by.

You keep fit by acting as pallbearer for your friends.

And remember, if you are without a partner, you can always go solo - after all you're only two short of a threesome - or some 'Doll' might come along and help out. ;)

hugs and kisses



G'day everyone,...

That was a fantastic read.


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!
WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Looking at her I feel like Peter Pan Smile Old enough to know better and young enough to do it again!

Another great blog. Maybe the dolls are the secret to feeling young ;) :).


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Great blog! I suddenly almost look forward to become at age. :D


Nicely put together mate! A very good read thanks Cool

Thanks Guys and Dolls. Glad you liked it.

"Maybe the dolls are the secret to feeling young". Well, if you don't live in the Playboy Mansion they sure help. Laughing As mentioned in a blog way back.
