Swan Lake Dream


Being a Russian girl, Eveshka loves ballet :)

She’s dreaming about dancing at the world famous Bolshoi
Ballet and Opera theatre. A few years ago, the marvellous historic main stage
has been reconstructed. In her dreams Eveshka is part of Bolshoi, one of the
leading ballet and opera companies in the world. She really wants her dream to
become true!

Dreams can become
true. She knows. So she keeps rehearsing her ballet skills. Eveshka knows the
years of discipline that go into the perfection needed. Her ultimate dream is
to be Odette, Queen Swan -so I have to be Prince Siegfried, but I can’t dance :(

Being Odette she’s wearing her white swan feathers. It might be just a dream,
but these pictures proof it can be real ;)

Click on the picture for the gallery and full size images


Nescio! Eveshka looks so professional! You have her disciplined well! No worries. I can't dance either! But that does not stop us from teaching our girls a few lessons!

She would be great in one of my vids!
Your ladies always look wonderful Nescio!

Hey Nescio, if you cannot dance you might consider to be her manager. Shouldn't be such a problem for a pretty an talented ballerina like Eveshka to find her a ballet dancing partner. Guys line up for a pretty girl like Eveskha. Especially when she puts up a bit of a russian accent.



Nicely done!Smile The camera angle and sprial staircase make for a presentation that is special!

Wonderful series, Nescio. You have used the stairs like music to the ballet. I can almost touch it.



Thank you all :)

It was fun doing this shoot, but also a bit cumbersome. I had to secure the doll stand to the banisters. Next I had to carry Eveshka up the stairs and get her on her stand. And after the shoot I had to manage to get her down safely (yes, I'm her manager ;) ).

Also the light was difficult, but having a studio light at the top and at the bottom of the stairs, I was able to do this shoot without flash. After that I used photoshop to enhance the pictures. I thought black&white (with a little sepia) would be nice. And I intentionally added a little noise :O


Eveshka looks fabulous. What a dream.

What can one say, but very artistic and a very professional shoot.

To have placed her in such positions must have been very hard. But you did a really great job.

She looks stunning!!!! :) :) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Wow, you caught her working out determined to become a leading ballerina, and she´d deserve to be. I wonder what the ballet director in my hometown will say about the pics. I guess he´ll hire her on the spot for the upcoming season. Chris