Laurence, what's going on?

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Have a look at Laurence.
Do we know what’s going on? Going on in the minds of our dolls.

Girls and phones.
Do we know what’s going on? Some secret text messages.

Girls and gossip.
Do we know what’s going on? Our reporter is on the spot.

Click on the picture for the gallery and full size images.

CoverDoll reporter: Stellai
PA of Madame Laurence: brigittes hubbie
Doll posing: Koen
Event organising and location: Kharn
Photos and text: Nescio


Laurence told me she phoned Fabienne to get her another skrt as it stained her. SurprisedAt least that´s what she told me. CoolA big thank you to Nes and the rest of the Coverdoll crew. We had a lot of fun. Chris & Laurence

... and somehow the stains on Laurence bum were transfered to Fabienne :?

Just have a look  :O


Just a too beautiful story to only flip over the pics as these pics are shot with much love to the fine details and it's so amazing to discover them!

Guy :)

She's really coming to life wonderfully and a great pleasure to see!

Best wishes


Hi Nescio, yes, they transferred but they are gone now.

Hi Guy, thank you, it was great!

Hi Haremlover, yes, she´s alive and kicking, you´ll see.Wink
