Reflections of Beauty


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You may ask... Only two images? Well due to the time that it takes to produce these images. I can only do two. The Haydyn shopping photo took 8 hours to produce. There are a combination of 4 photos composited together. It is such a pleasure and it is so rewarding to have these dolls and the desire to want to create images!

Each new image brings on new ideas and different ways bringing them to fruition. The direction some of these images take is always unpredictable. Every time I set up to shoot a particular setting or pose. Something else happens! That is the fun of it. But always. The devil is in the details as Matt K says.
So I hope you like!



Quality over Quantity ... I wish I lived near you. I'd make you start a school & I'd be your first student.

Your talent is overflowing

Oh WOW! That shopping window shot is wonderful.

You're a true artist.

Best wishes


I can see the victorias shoping bag!SmileA well conceiled prop!Wink

Your shots always evoke a magical realism for me. Thanks for sharing it!

"The Haydyn shopping photo took 8 hours to produce"

Yeah, we know all about that. But the images and colour you achieve is something extra special.

Indeed, only two photos. Tsss-tss. Shame on you! )  ;)


Stella Like so many reporters, Im gonna just have to tell you to shut up if you dont have anything nice to say bitch!

Haha there I said it!

BITCH ?? :?

Wait-wait.... am I to understand that I am a bitch because I failed fall on my knees, to bow and mumble praises? As you damn well know, you are one of our best digital photo artists. And you also know I admire your work. But if you start calling me a bitch over one little joke that I have made here, then that says more about you than about me,  Mr Hotshot Photo Wizzard.


( that is Miss Stellai for you! Ha!)

OH Miss Stella. Tisk tisk! Keep em coming you little wench! I love to debate ethics with bitchy reporters! If I were there! I'd shove a tooth pick up your ass and then I'd drop kick you right to the cold North Sea! That should show you what I think of little bitchy reporters! Always sticking their nose in where it does not belong! Tee hee!

I'm Alottahope and I approve this message!

Hi Alottahope, these two are both stunning. One´s the ultimate elegant shopper, the other ready to get the sketch book out for the next shoot? Fabulous! I´d love to have them in the next book. LaughingChris

I always say, it's not the quantity but the quality and these are top quality pics :) Nice one!


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Okay, now be nice to each other :O


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Really??? Seriously??? That is being nice! I can't write what I really think of bitchy little reporters! Haha. Ya gotta love American Deep Southern humor! Guess you don't get it just like We don't get all of Monty Python! Although I do love the Ministry of Silly Walks! That little wench would walk pretty silly with a tooth pick shoved up her ass! LMAO!

What! Don't tell me you've never bought a Parrot from this shop :D


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.