Making the bed in the Doll Room "eye candy style"

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    Erica tells me that she has encountered difficulty making the bed!angel Twilight will not budge.devil I need to change the spread. Courtney is ready to go to the Mall she wants to shop so she wants to help me.smiley  Tell Twlight to put something flimsy on and I will snap some shots!devil that should make her happy! At least for the moment.wink This should be Eye Candy Doll Room  style.yes 

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Help! I'm caught by her stare

Oh those huge brown eyeskiss

Thats flimsy alright! I love your tast in Mall wear Twilight!

Hi deerman, this is a great story, stunning pics! Chris

The girls are perfect in making the bedroom and 'flimsy spreads' are more than eye candy!!

- SF -