What's a doll to do all day?


Why lay about the house in my lingerie of course!
It's really rather decadent being this lazy, but there's not much to be done until He gets home from the office.

Be sure to check out my scrapbook for the other photos, it's part of my gallery.

Have fun


Well Zara, what do you get uo to when your man is away I wonder ;)


CoverDoll Publisher

I wish that I could admit to all sorts of glamourous things while I have the house to myself, but the sad fact it that its lonely. :(

I love it when He is home and we can spend time together. Watch TV, read, you know, that sort of stuff. Dressing up for photos is fun. :)

G'day everyone,...

Yeh,..Inquireing minds want to know,...
Just what do you do?


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!