Joanna, a year of photos with her


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“Joanna, a year of photos with her”

To celebrate Joanna's one year, I offer you a small retrospective of the photo shoots we have done during this year spent by her side.

I really like Joanna's face (Hitomi in Japan). The expression on her face is very different from that of Lilica & Yurica. The fact that she is open-mouthed brings a little more life to the photos. But this is a little more complicated to stage.

Joanna has a tendency to stick her tongue out for photos. It's not very polite but it makes me laugh. And since she does a little as she wants, I forgive her very willingly.

As you probably know, Joanna does not have a new body. Unlike Lilica & Yurica, her body is 10 years old. She can't hold small objects because of her broken fingers, but her body is still very nice (Yurica took care of it), but I can still take beautiful pictures with her. I would like to give her a new body, maybe one day...

In the meantime, it is always a pleasure for me to photograph my dolls in life scenes. You will find many more photos on my personal website. 





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