Blogging in Bundaberg


Hi Guys and Dolls,

Here I am on my second Blog with CoverDoll.

You might wonder why I am so scantily clad. Well it's hot. Summer is on the way. Actually here in the sub tropics we don't have the typical four seasons. Muz - that's my charge if you hadn't already guessed! says there are only two seasons.

The Tholuts Season. (Too hot to lie under the sheets Season), and

The Nhelots Season. (Not hot enough to lie on top of the sheets Season).

Of course there are a couple of months between the two seasons when he cannot make up his mind which season it is so we spend half the night on top and half the night under.

Apparently Bundaberg has the fifth most equitable climate in the World, so they say. But one never really knows who 'They" are.

For anyone interested you can check out this little paradise.

Well I have to get muz ready for his afternoon siesta so, until next time

Hugs and Kisses


Hey muz, stop running around naked and come here!!


Hi Tash,

I'm not sure if you wanted a separate login or if you just thought it was necessary to keep things separate. I am trying to allow for multiple dolls on one thread using the categories to sort. let me know how things are working out.

Welcome to CoverDoll, BTW.


Dear Bianca,
I am asserting my authority here and I want muzza's account off CoverDoll, closed, gone, disappeared.
So I (and Yvonne when she arrives) will duo this wonderful magazine together with one log in only as tash_nony.
Would appreciate it.

hugs and kisses

Actually Tash I wondered about the heat where you are because you never seem to wear much.  Here in the deep south its hot for 3 months, cold for 6 and the rest is shoulder weather.  We get four seasons - usually in one day!  I like my fur cloak and lecky blanket.  Keep well!

