Early Christmas



Christmas at our place is a bit fragmented as I'm finding out.  Although this will be my first Christmas here.  I've got one of my presents already and thought I would try it on.  It's a bit lighter in colour than my usual look, flirty and glamourous, but it's still me!  I've added a couple of photos to my gallery scrapbook.  I think its a very Euro look.




Just to clarify something for Bronwen, the lighter wig was bought from someone else.  The rich, dark wig you sent is this one.  I love it!  It's so thick and silky.


Yes she wears it perfectly and is still the Zara we all know. Discovering a new wig is always exciting :D



Zara looks great in her new wig and as Elle said, she still looks like the Zara we all love :)


CoverDoll Publisher

Hey Zara, you sure it's your hair you are showing off!

Nice pressy. Lacks the power you exude when darker but still awesome.

And you ARE a glamourpuss.

hug and a kiss.



You look lovely in your new wig, Zara. It frames your face very well and looks sweetly feminine. I hope you enjoy it!


You look beautiful and hot in just about anything!  Love the lighter hair.



I am a doll admirer.