The new honeymoon


No sooner had the problems with my back been sorted out, then He found himself tied up with work and family committments, and before long I had spent almost two whole weeks alone in the seclusion of my box.  When I finally got out it was to a three day holiday weekend and we were alone.  Well, after all that time I was hungry for some attention and it seemed as though my feelings were reciprocated.  We barely left the house and my darling was exhausted by the time he had to go back to the office (for a rest he said) but at least he went with a smile on his face.  I think I'll turn out the lights myself and have a nap.

Kisses, Zara


Now that's what we call a 'Long Weekend' - Yummy.

Pretty cool up here too but sunny days in the mid 20's.

hugs and kisses.

Tash & Nony

Well, Zara, if you get too lonely you can come and stay with me and Midiman for awile.  I'm certain after a week with Midima you'd be happy to get back in your box :)




I'm a real doll...and I know it!

G'day everyone,....


Zara you still got it girl if you can keep your man inside for 3 days and nights,...

I bet you were glad of the rest after your recent problems that we are all happy are over with.

Now you are going to get back to a normal routine just go easy on Mechwizard,I'm sorry you were not able to be out of your box in the time you were both apart but I hope that will be a thing of the past.

Great to see you back!




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Oh Zara really get me going with a view like that. }:) ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Very nice, very hot ! the cloth seems to weigh... nothing ;)

This photo is an hymn for the nap :)

Jihan & Elle