Gone a bit nutty


Not me, the Wizard.  Lately He's been buying me all these new clothes, and not from charity stores either, He's been trawling the boutiques each time He's been in the city.  All very nice but I told Him He doesn't have to spend the money.  No shoes though, so I've got to wonder at His priorities.  More on that later.  Anyway on saturday He ducks out again and I yell out "Hey feeling a bit lonely over here!"  But He's gone.  When He comes back its with a new ring.  9ct gold diamond and sapphire.  It's so beautiful, but I've got to ask "Is he completely friggin crazy!"  It did shut me up though and later that night our session turned into a complete sheet shredder.  Wow.  It all begs the question though, now that I have a ring will He follow through or is it just another pretty bauble?  We'll see.  And then just another pic of the ring because I like it so much.

Kisses, Zara


Zara you look good in anything or nothing :) , and I think this new ring shows off all your appeal, far better than any piece of clothing. }:) ;) :D


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,....



Surely your not complaining about the Wiz buying you clothes and jewlery etc,..

You lucky girl,..

(Think the Wiz will adopt me?)



Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

The genius is like the diamond, he shines out of the darkness (x. Forneret)

The more a diamond is beautiful, the more the doll wearing it must be brillant (Elle ;) )

Dear Zara,

Doesn't matter if he will or won't.

Be happy that he cares, and what a way to show it. Wink

Tash & Nony