All Hallows Eve


It's Halloween again.  It only seemed like yesterday that it was here last.  My how time flies.  Halloween isn't such a big deal in Australia, except for the Melbourne Goth crowd, but its growing and I think that's a good thing.  Any excuse for a good time right?  Happy Halloween!

So ....  how do you get rid of a body?


Oh my Zara you look so SEXY as a Vamp }:) :) Will you bite me :D


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,..


If you want to know what to do with your body Zara,..just bring it over to my place,....




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

That is just so Awesome.

Hey, Zara, hope you left enough blood in the wiz so he can make it up here again sometime.

You too.

hugs and kisses (little worried about that)
