The Love Doll Stigma

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After three years and an 8000 mile trip to California and back to Nova Scotia with 3 Teddy Babes in the back seat and Bianca Realdoll in the front passenger seat, I am more certain that the majority of men and women just aren't moved either way by the dolls. Bianca meets the public at Lars Showing

Keep in mind that the type of people frequenting websites are often not representative of the vast majority, but more of specific interest groups. I seem to receive more acceptance of the dolls from women than from men in my travels and at home. Grant you Bianca is a movie celebrity doll, but I now have a studio full of dolls and most clients, friends and community members have acclimatized to them. Some of the men cop a feel on the way by, but it is usually business as usual with clients and friends at my home/studio.

Midiman Dolls Only a small handful of male friends and acquaintances have denied that they would try the doll if they had it available. Most women showed a curiosity - some even thought of them as collectibles or large Barbie dolls. Those males that masturbate (95% of all males) that deny they use the doll either have some sort of aversion to all sex toys or simply defy the logic. One friend of my wife's, a plumber, seemed quite indignant when I plunked a Teddy Babe in his lap. As if it threatened his macho image or masculinity, he commented, "If I need any kind of satisfaction, I'd use my hand before I'd touch one of those.", to which I replied, "You must have a very sexy hand!". Six months later the same plumber approached me about buying one for an upcoming party. wrote:
Question: Masturbation Statistics -- Who Masturbates? Answer: The consensus of those doing a statistical analysis of who masturbates is that around 90% of the total male population and 65% of the total female population masturbate from time to time. Sue Johanson, sex educator and counselor, 2000: "99 percent of men of all ages masturbate regularly and the other one percent are liars." Source: Cory Silverberg: "Kinsey’s survey found that almost 40% of men and 30% of women in relationships masturbated. A study of Playboy readers found that 72% of married men masturbated, and a study of Redbook readers found that 68% of married women masturbated." Source:

Think about it. The above figures are for married people. Single people have even more need to service themselves. The number of sex toy sales are higher than ever with both men and women using them. And what is sex simulating if not the act of sexual intercourse? I highly doubt the image in a man's or woman's mind during masturbation is that of a cucumber or finger or hand. And why play Hannibal Lector and masturbate with simulated body parts when you can have the whole body experience. It just seems logically and scientifically natural.

Is the sex as good as with a real life partner? No. A silicone partner is static and non-responsive. However, it is the ultimate masturbation toy...IF you can move and manipulate it.

OF course we have those Maury Povich people going "Ewww" when they here KeithAllen admit he has sex with his dolls. Hey, wake up people. YOU don't have to touch or handle that doll of his. Did you ever stop to think that the hand you shook, or the hand that just served you that meal is the oldest masturbation tool in the history of humankind?

Midiman's Gabrielle (Boytoy - Autumn Face)
Love dolls, especially these high end surrogate partners, are much more than sex toys to most owners. They don't call a woman a slut just because she has a vagina, so why do so many focus on the dolls as a sexual object just because it does have a vagina? A car is a taxi only if you use it as a taxi and a knife is a murder weapon only if you murder someone with it. For the same reason that it is not appropriate to ask who your sexual partners are, it is just as inappropriate to ask if you have sex with your doll. It is not the doll owners who suffer from neurosis, low self esteem, delusion and sexual repression, it is those who might think for a moment that they can be replaced by and 80 pound piece of silicone in the shape of a good looking human. These people would better spend their time, not bashing on doll owners and their hobby, but in taking a few self improvement courses so that they do not feel threatened by the dolls. And to think they worry about us leaves me in total awe. That's my take. Midiman


G'day everyone,....


Well all I can say to this is 'Very well said', because if I had tried to say this I think my accent would have confused everyone,....




Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!

Nice one mate, a really good article. Great to see you back and posting again at CD ;) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

This is a great article I have always been amazed also about people's aversion to dolls.
They say we are overpopulated the planet and cutting down the forests.
If they want to reduce the population they will make the doll more popular.
It will reduce many social ills.  No more going to bars getting drunk tried to pick up women or men
And stop a lot of S T D transmission's reduce drunk driving.
Also reduces stress makes people a lot happier.  No more unwanted pregnancies.
Sincerely run.

Really well said Run :) One thing is for sure, they help bring happiness to many ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

still creating, another name of my dreamteam is Legionarias

Agreed with the article, it's a good one as usual, I think that calling one of such beautiful dollies a sex toy is, like someone said before, like calling a Harley-Davidson a moped. Dolls are not just for sex, they can be a prosthetic aid in many emotional trauma, I'd put myself as a good example, obviously I'm going to exaggerate some of the features of my case for this example. Please let's imagine I loved a girl when I was young and it was the first and only time I fell that feeling, let's say it was a little bit of a traumatic relationship with lots of reject, rude words from both sides, let's say I still love her despite of the time passed and the things said, let's figure I'm alone and surely I will be alone for the rest of my life. Now let's say this girl made bad choices in her life and those choices led her to a violent death or worse, of course that would cause a bigger trauma in me, a kind of emotional pain that's borderline, now let's say I feel guilty because I couldn't save her life when I could have done it, let's say I feel remorse for the things I said, let's say I mourn her loss every day when I wake up, then we have a big trauma, a big pain.

I could go to a psychologist who surely is not able to really help, I could get closer to God, that would help in the long run by letting me understand some important points in life thru philosophy, but I  would also  need something that could help in the short run, I would need more than a sex toy, I would need something that help me develop my duel, something that help me forget that she's not there anymore or at least something that help me cope with the fact she dissapeared in a violent way  (this is not exaggerated, I'm a very emotional and very caring type of person, the kind of problem I'd like U to imagine, if real, would destroy me for sure).

Then dollies appear like a prosthetic aid, for instance, when one loses a limb or when something causes harm to a limb then doctors recomend prothesis, so the limb is replaced or supported by means of an artificial limb or an artificial support, so when emotions, namely heart, are hurt does it mean we must cope with it and suffer and cry the living daylights out of us? does it mean we must live with that void in our hearts?  wouldn't it be better if we can fill that void with a prothesis? I've learnt  thru the years that when one suffers a loss or when one is hurt one could do two things, to lie in the ground crying and indulging in self-compassion or to try and make things better for oneself, picking the best choices to repair the damage. I prefer the latter one so in the case above mentioned I would choose the doll.

Please forgive this book, I just wanted to make my idea as clear as possible and to share one of my views on  doll ownership