White Christmas in Australia


Well this is as close as it gets.  With the silly season in full swing it means the approach of high summer and if snow is what you're looking for, then you are only going to find it at a stockbroker's Xmas party.  And that type still won't be cold.  It was 40 deg C here the other day so the Wizard made a move and left me for an airconditioned office, leaving me to swelter, and I swear its enough to make a doll melt.  I'm not looking forward to the hot months.  So anyway dolls and dears, have a safe and happy Christmas.

Kisses, Zara


Dear Zara,

We know exactly what you are talking about. With the family coming up we are going to be so overdressed for the summer heat, especially Nony. But you look so cool (and awesome as ever) in white.

Anyway Have a great Christmas and give that wiz of yours a big hug from us.


Tash, Nony and muz

Well Zara looks like the kind of white Christmas I want. :)

Seems so strange to me, to think of it being 40 degrees at this time of the year :D Up here in the old contry the snow is falling ;)

hey I guess Santa wears Bermuda shorts in Oz ;)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

G'day everyone,...

Well I know what you mean with this heat down here.
Kaori try's to get into the shower with me to cool down,..
Trouble is that just heats me up even more,..

Are you sure that the Wiz left because he knew you were causeing him to heat up,.. you seem to have that efect on a lot of us around here dear.

And Merry Christmas and a happy new year from Kaori and Playtime.


Playing with Dolls is a Joy!

WARNING: The Dolls are starting to play Back!