Getting organised

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I know its a little while yet, but a girl has to think carefully when packing for an interstate trip.  I'll take my jewellery and makeup of course, then there's the shoes, outfits and attire suitable for sunning around the pool.  Sunning - won't that be a change.  There hasn't been any sun here since winter set in more than 3 months ago.  I know it broke 8 years of drought in the south but Jeez! let the rain stop already.  I am so over it.  In those immortal words - "How much can a Koala bear?"  The Wizard did solve one problem with the van, he threw out the fuel tank so now there is lots of underfloor storage space.  Maybe we can use it to smuggle things?

Kisses Zara


It looks like your well prepared Zara, just don’t overload that jewellery box, and remember the Wizard has to get his beers in the car :D ;) :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Zara is far-sighted. She doesn't need jewelry to be pretty and because the roads can be dangerous, she might bury the box in the garden rather than keeping it with her :?

Jihan & Elle

We are getting so excited.

But throwing out the fuel tank? Reminds us of a time long, long ago in a Galaxy far far away when travelling in a local 'taxi' (a term used in it's broadest sense) through the Kyber Pass from Afghanistan to Pakistan and the passenger (muz) held the fuel tank (a platic bottle) on his lap with a tube going through the dashboard. No windows so fumes not a problem.

Make sure you don't spill any on your lovely self Z.

see ya soon

muz and the dolltime girls.

Go ahead Zara and pack your whole wardrobe. The more things you wear the more eye candy for us when you get back from Muzza's house. Hope you have fun with his girls.