Anatomical dolls

Seasons Greetings - and 'The Feast of Dolls".

Dear Readers,

Greetings of the Season to you all. May you enjoy peace & merriment. We wish you well for the year ahead.

As you see we are ready for "The Feast of Dolls".

What ? you have not heard of the feast of dolls or Sigillaria (little figures) to give it it's proper name.

Well ....... you know that modern Christmas is really just a composite of several year end ancient rituals, feasts & festivals from various & numerous cultures - about the time of the Winter Solstice - to celebrate the return of the Sun, or to them, the Sun God.

Some Quiet Time.

Dear Readers,

More, MORE - That sounds like something from Charles Dickens, 'Oliver Twist' to be precise. Will only jokes keep you happy? Well sorry, we are all joked out for the moment. Time for a bit of reading and culture.

Oscar Wilde, one of our favourites.
