
All the things we do with them

Photograhic Avalanche comming,... (Now here)

G'day everyone,...


Well on the way home from a few meetings I had today I stopped along the way home at some interesting sights to scout out some locations to do outdoor photoshoots with Kaori in the next few days,..

The weather is going to be great for doing a shoot in the next few days so I am looking forward to this.

Kaori on the other hand has been on my case for a while since I said I wanted to do a shoot and then had all my time taken up by other isues and projects,I think she has been concerned that I might look like a lier because I said I was going to do something and never seemed to follow through,....

That and the fact that it was all going to be about her!

Tidings from Queensland.

Hi Guys and Dolls,
It has been very quiet here since Christmas, apart from the occasional doll orgies that is (Yummy).
Despite me giving muz a 'photoshop for dummies' book for christmas he still does not get it poor Love. I might just as well have given him an advanced science book in Urdu for all the good it did so any aspirations I have of being on the Cover will just have to wait.
