Doll News Monthly (September 2024)


Hello and welcome to this months issue of Doll News Monthly. 
This month we cover a topic that has plagued sex doll and sex toy owners for a long time now and that is the cleaning process after use of these items. 

Over the years I have read many different methods of cleaning dolls and sex toys but for the most part have always been just lots of work and honeslty often quite messy.. 

The people over at Coeros have created this interesting and innovative cleaning system for dolls and toys. 
I contacted them and asked for some information about the product and they sent me a nice paragraph about the cleaning system and basic usage information.
Here is there response below.


The Cleaning Kit can be used directly on the bed to easily clean the vagina of sex dolls, and its biggest feature is that it won’t leak water and wet the sheets.

This USB powered water pump is useful for a thorough and faster clean. You will need two buckets, one for the water to be pumped inside the vaginal, or anal cavity, and a second one to collect the drainage. You may also do an initial cleanse with a soapy water mixture and then follow with a rinse session using the Coeros Sex Doll Cleaning Kit. 

Easy Cleaning: Clean your sex doll anywhere, whether on the bed or sofa.
A Complete Cleanse: A stream of water effectively cleanses the vagina’s inner wall.
Adjustability: Features an innovative adjustable design to accommodate different vaginal depths.
Compatibility: Suitable for any TPE or silicone sex doll with a vaginal depth of 10-20cm (approximately 8 – 9 inches). It can also be used to clean masturbators.
Safety: The inlet pipe has a spiral and rounded head to prevent any damage to the vagina.
Automatic Cleaning: Once connected to a USB power supply, the water pump initiates the cleaning process automatically, ensuring safe and efficient cleaning.

How To Adjust the Length of the Cleaner
Loosen the screws, then turn.
Gently insert the tube fully into the vagina.
For optimal cleaning results, after inserting the tube completely, adjust by retracting it by 1-2 cm (approximately 0.4-0.8 inches).
Once adjusted to the desired length, rotate and tighten the screw at the base to secure.
By following these steps, you’ll achieve the optimal length for thorough cleaning. Maintain this length for all subsequent cleanings.

Elevate the doll’s upper body using a pillow to facilitate cleaning.
Please make sure the outlet is facing downwards, not upwards.
Ensure the vagina’s opening fully encases the base of the cleaner.
If it’s your first time, place a towel underneath the doll to absorb potential water spills.
For novices, insert a piece of cloth into the doll’s anus to prevent water leakage.
Do not bend the water pipe during the cleaning process.
The inner diameter of the water pipe is 12mm, and the outer diameter is 16mm.



So I ended up getting one of these cleaning systems myself :). 
I also did a review of the system over on The Doll Forum.
Here is a link to that review.

So what I figured id do is just kind of copy some of my own photos I did and parts of my review over here into this issue.

Everything but soap or some kind of cleaner comes in the box.
The box was unmarked and contained no references of anything to do with dolls , sex toys or anything like that ..
Just a light weight plain card board box.

Inside was a pump , a couple of precut clear tubing , some ties to zip tie the tubing to the pump and the cleaning head ,a couple of nice towels to place under the doll just in case you do not get a good seal when inserting the cleaning head,and lastly a usb power block to power the pump.

Below is a photo of the two towels that came in the kit

The next set of photos will show the parts of the unit and explain how things work and where the hoses are connected ..



Above is a photo of everything ready to use..



There are a few parts to the unit..
Some hoses that move water around from the parts..
A pump .
Two main head unit parts that connect together to make the main cleaning head..
Above you can see the two parts of the main cleaning head separated from each other.

The insert wand section is a hollow section that contains holes in the end and allows water to stream out in many areas and then channel back down along those spiral grooves down the sides of the insert wand..

The receiver section collects the water after it leaves the toy or dolls vaginal opening and pushes it out of the receiver down a tube and into a bucket or some way of collecting the waste water.



The above photo shows how the Insert Wand section is inserted into the Receiver section and held in place with a retainer nut.
You can simply loosen this nut and push the Insert Wand in and out to adjust the depth you wish for the Insert Wand to go into your toy or dolls vagina.
It is recommended you push the Insert Wand into the doll as far as it goes then take note of the distance.
You can then insert the Insert Wand section into the back of the Receiver and remove a couple of inches from the distance you got from inserting the Insert Wand into your toy or dolls vagina..
You can then tighten the Retainer Nut and everything will stay in place.
This will give about an inch of empty space in the very front of the Insert Wand so it has room to shoot water out of the very end of the Insert Wand.



Above is a photo of the pump system.
The pump is a submerged style pump and must be fully submerged into the water or cleaning solution you use..
It is easy to just stick the pump to the bottom of a bucket or something using the suction cups on the bottom of the pump .

You can see the cleaning solution or water is sucked into the pump and out of the pump down the water inline tube and into the back side of the Insert Wand ..



Above is a sample photo of the system inserted into a generic toy to illustrate how the system inserts into your toy or dolls vagina.
Make sure the pump is stuck to the bottom of your bucket and full of cleaner or soapy water ..
Make sure all the tubes are connected and the exit tube coming from the Receiver is laying inside of a second bucket to catch the waste water.

Its a very simple system and like many of us we all dread the cleaning of our dolls and this system makes it simpler and faster to rinse out your toys or dolls after use.

I just love what Coeros brings to the table with doll related products..
I think its great we finally have a company that sells useful items for our dolls .
This doll cleaning system is innovating and could very well improve the use of dolls and sex toys for everyone.

Below is a link to Coeros youtube video of them using the cleaning system.

If you are interested in checking out the system yourself here is a direct link to there sales page.


Thanks for reading and see you next month.

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