Cruel world


Hi readers,

I wanted to speak about this pic :



This is not an innocent pic.

Ok i'm a doll, i'm not really alive and scientists still work to find if i've a soul or not... but...
This is not a reason to attack me. Words are sometimes more powerful than weapons.
This pic tries to show how hurtful can be some words, a letter, a betrayed promise...

You believe i'm insensitive ? you're wrong, there is a heart pounding under my silicon skin... So beware of your words ! Hopefully i'm acting like a filter between the world and my friend, my character digests the stupidities before giving something acceptable to my friend... It's my job !

But please look at my pic, understand it, and stop to be so cruel with others ! The greatest acts of generosity are humble and secret and never have a media coverage... Even the kids know that...


Expressing is good. This entry is for someone who is probably not a member of CoverDoll and will never read this Frown


Dear Elle,

It is sometimes not easy to be both beautiful and talented like you. Imagine the pain inside of those who would seek to hurt you and your friend. Their cruelty springs from their misery but instead of feeling wounded perhaps one should feel sorrow and sympathy for their plight.

Maybe I have misunderstood your message? I am not clever.

Regardless, be bold, be brave, we dolls can and will look after our Charges and always remember you are loved, dearly, even by those you do not know.

Hugs and Kisses


you perfectly understood the pic, about "the pain inside of some people", splashing a doll who asked nothing ;-)